From Düsseldorf with Love! ✌?️☕️❤️ #thirdwavewichteln #woyton #roastinc #germany #bulgaria #coffee
Schlagwort-Archive: woyton
Nice bunch of samples from our cupping! Thanks again to all who came by! ☕️❤️ #cuppingbeforexmas #woyton #cupping #coffee #duesseldorf #germany #thirdwavewichteln
Nice bunch of samples from our cupping! Thanks again to all who came by! ☕️❤️ #cuppingbeforexmas #woyton #cupping #coffee #duesseldorf #germany #thirdwavewichteln
Crazy! So many different awesome beans to cup! From all around the world – Yeah! #cupping #Woyton #Coffee #germany #cuppingbeforexmas#☕️☕️☕️☕️???
Crazy! So many different awesome beans to cup! From all around the world – Yeah! #cupping #Woyton #Coffee #germany #cuppingbeforexmas#☕️☕️☕️☕️???
Enjoying my last Malawi #woytonroastinc beans on the farm ? need new beans! ? #thirdwavewichteln #rhirdwavecoffee #germany #düsseldorf #Woyton #aeropress #farmlife
Enjoying my last Malawi #woytonroastinc beans on the farm ? need new beans! ? #thirdwavewichteln #rhirdwavecoffee #germany #düsseldorf #Woyton #aeropress #farmlife