Aah! Forgot about my lovely mug all the way from Santa Cruz @vervecoffee filled with @playgroundcoffee s dirty berry #frenchpress #germany #düsseldorf
Schlagwort-Archive: duesseldorf
Cheers to 2015 – it was an awesome year for me. Lots of joy, some hard and lonley nights, but hey! You cannot have it all! ;) Let’s see what 2016 will be! Cheers! #NYE #cantillon #oudegeuze #silvester #düsseldorf #germany
Cheers to 2015 – it was an awesome year for me. Lots of joy, some hard and lonley nights, but hey! You cannot have it all! 😉
Let’s see what 2016 will be! Cheers! #NYE #cantillon #oudegeuze #silvester #düsseldorf #germany
I will miss you somehow #Düsseldorf ! #sunny #side #up
I will miss you somehow #Düsseldorf ! #sunny #side #up
<3 The @parlourcoffee #brooklyn is really amazing! No wonder it was a favorite of our last big #Coffee cupping in #Düsseldorf #germany
<3 The @parlourcoffee #brooklyn is really amazing! No wonder it was a favorite of our last big #Coffee cupping in #Düsseldorf #germany
Don’t underestimate the good ol French press! Lovely @oslocoffee #brooklyn in the cup! #williamsburg represent! ;) #brooklynzoo #coffeelove #Düsseldorf #germany
Don’t underestimate the good ol French press! Lovely @oslocoffee #brooklyn in the cup! #williamsburg represent! 😉 #brooklynzoo #coffeelove #Düsseldorf #germany
Beautiful fruity berry like @machhoerndl Coffee #v60 #ethopia #sasaba #Düsseldorf #coffeelove
Beautiful fruity berry like @machhoerndl Coffee #v60 #ethopia #sasaba #Düsseldorf #coffeelove
#florenceandthemachine #germany #duesseldorf
#florenceandthemachine #germany #duesseldorf
Nice bunch of samples from our cupping! Thanks again to all who came by! ☕️❤️ #cuppingbeforexmas #woyton #cupping #coffee #duesseldorf #germany #thirdwavewichteln
Nice bunch of samples from our cupping! Thanks again to all who came by! ☕️❤️ #cuppingbeforexmas #woyton #cupping #coffee #duesseldorf #germany #thirdwavewichteln
Back to the local Coffee Dealer ☺️ mit @adriana15 #Düsseldorf #thirdwave #Coffee
Back to the local Coffee Dealer ☺️ mit @adriana15 #Düsseldorf #thirdwave #Coffee
Endlich Kaffee trinken mit @adriana15 ??????☕️☕️ btw toller Kaffee laden! Pourover, moccamaster, leichten röstungen … Und Wayne ein Battista ist auch top! #thirdwave #Düsseldorf #Coffee
Endlich Kaffee trinken mit @adriana15 ??????☕️☕️ btw toller Kaffee laden! Pourover, moccamaster, leichten röstungen … Und Wayne ein Battista ist auch top! #thirdwave #Düsseldorf #Coffee