More coffee for our #thirdwavewichteln – thank you so much, Matt from @sundlaugcoffee #uk #roaster – we all will be looking forward to cup and drink your roasts and give feedback! Looks great! I will grab something for you today! Sorry for the delay! #coffeelove #coffee #exchange #privat

More coffee for our #thirdwavewichteln – thank you so much, Matt from @sundlaugcoffee #uk #roaster – we all will be looking forward to cup and drink your roasts and give feedback! Looks great! I will grab something for you today! Sorry for the delay! #coffeelove #coffee #exchange #privat

??✌?️?☕️☕️☕️ Yeah, my #thirdwavewichteln arrived! From Maciej from Madrid. A local roast from his friend a #Kenia #Kegwa AA+ and a great written explaining what’s the scene is in Spain and how hard it seems to established lighter roast there etc. Thank you so much! #coffee #exchange #2015

??✌?️?☕️☕️☕️ Yeah, my #thirdwavewichteln arrived! From Maciej from Madrid. A local roast from his friend a #Kenia #Kegwa AA+ and a great written explaining what’s the scene is in Spain and how hard it seems to established lighter roast there etc. Thank you so much! #coffee #exchange #2015

Nice bunch of samples from our cupping! Thanks again to all who came by! ☕️❤️ #cuppingbeforexmas #woyton #cupping #coffee #duesseldorf #germany #thirdwavewichteln

Nice bunch of samples from our cupping! Thanks again to all who came by! ☕️❤️ #cuppingbeforexmas #woyton #cupping #coffee #duesseldorf #germany #thirdwavewichteln

Crazy! So many different awesome beans to cup! From all around the world – Yeah! #cupping #Woyton #Coffee #germany #cuppingbeforexmas#☕️☕️☕️☕️???

Crazy! So many different awesome beans to cup! From all around the world – Yeah! #cupping #Woyton #Coffee #germany #cuppingbeforexmas#☕️☕️☕️☕️???

Endlich Kaffee trinken mit @adriana15 ??????☕️☕️ btw toller Kaffee laden! Pourover, moccamaster, leichten röstungen … Und Wayne ein Battista ist auch top! #thirdwave #Düsseldorf #Coffee

Endlich Kaffee trinken mit @adriana15 ??????☕️☕️ btw toller Kaffee laden! Pourover, moccamaster, leichten röstungen … Und Wayne ein Battista ist auch top! #thirdwave #Düsseldorf #Coffee

German Aeropress Meisterschaften 2015 in Berlin

Was für 2 tolle Tage! Was für ein Spass!  Was bin ich froh, das ich mich drauf eingelassen habe!  Komfortzone ole! Der Reihe nach: Innerhalb der Gruppe #thirdwavewichteln und unter uns Kaffee-Liebhabern in Düsseldorf war schnell klar, das wenn Markus und Mateusz, sowie Bosch und wer weiss noch wer alles, dort antreten, das dann eine Reise …