interessante webseiten (15-06-2007)

  • Simson Handbücher etc
  • sehr sympathisches australisches label aus Melbourne, ua die großartige Pikelet
  • Flickr Alternative 3
  • Flickr Alternative 2
  • Flickr Alternative 1
  • a GPL-licensed version of Movable Type 4.0, to be released in Q3 2007
  • bezaubernd!

    RF & Lili De La Mora

    „RF“ is Ryan Francesconi, whom Joanna Newsom fans will recognize as the darkly handsome tambura player from her Ys tour (and now as a member of the Ys Street Band). Newsom herself plays harp on the billowing „Eleven Continents“; whether her dancing glints are instantly recognizable because of her unique style or simply because– you know, it’s a harp– is hard to say. Regardless, her presence radiates through the track, even seeming to find an echo in Lili De La Mora’s breathy, elfin purr. Flecks of piano and percussion shine through the musky arpeg

    [via pitchfork]

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    nettes beim don