patrick schreyers iceland photo blog
sehr schoene momentaufnahmen von island: http://blog.patriceschreyer.com/
roadtrip around skagafjördur .
Letzten Montag bin ich alleine nach Akureyri einkaufen (yes, BonusShirt!) und danach einmal um die skagafjordur- peninusla, via Siglufjörður, Saudarkrokur, Varmhilð rumgefahren.
schnell mal 500km zusammengekommen (uff, das kostet sprit!) und leider alles im Regenwetter, Island halt. Denoch viel gesehen und eine schoenen Tag verbracht. Zu empfehlen: das verlassene Siglufjördur und sein Herring Era Museum
vegetarism in iceland (oder nicht?)
ich bin ja hier seid 3 monaten nicht wirklich am suendigen, nach 8 jahren muss und darf man seine Entscheidungen nach denen man lebt, auch gerne ueberdenken, ueberpruefen und korriegieren.
Ich muss sagen, das mein Verzicht auf Fleisch und immer staerker Fisch in den letzten Jahren FUER MICH richitg war und ich dies auch wieder bestaerkt durch das Ausprobieren „ob es immer noch richtig ist“ bejahen kann. Ja, ich brauch und will kein totes Tier.
Fuer alle die ein paar Tipps brauchen: Vegetarism in Iceland
Breaking news: ORCAS !!!
„contradiction“ aus wuppertal (11.07.2008)
alles wieder gut mit email ! danke
thomas, danke patrick ….
Es scheint das meine domain „roninarts“ gerade vom server geschoben wurde, daher bitte Mail an meinen Gmail Account … danke ..
.oO (hope, xpatrick and thomas are working on the new server, somehow?!)
Update: danke patrick! leider ist der server fratze und warscheinlich gone … anyway, bitte email an: danielkoening at gmail dot com
dan at chaosdorf und alle andere forwarden auf roninarts, welches auf gmail forwardet …. sic!
Kimi Records on Tour ! Juuuhhuuu!
Tommorrow at the „Gamli Baukur„: Kimi Records Tour! Plus Special Price on my favorite „Kaldi Beer!“ Seems perfect !!
We are going on a Summerfun Tour!. We being Kimi Records and 4 bands signed with the label, Benni Hemm Hemm, Borko, Morðingjarnir and Reykjavík!. We will stop at Iceland’s hottest places around the countryside and bring more hotness to the table. When Kimi Records Summerfun Tour comes to town speakers explode. Among places we are exploding are Ísafjörður (The hometown of Reykjavík! boys and allegedly Mugison), Húsavík (whale watching capital of the world), Seyðisfjörður (Nicest place in the world) and Höfn (lobster capital of Iceland).
The setup is quite simple. Every concert starts at 20:00 and the admission fee is 1.000 kr. / 9 eur. Tickets are sold at the door except for the NASA show in Reykjavík. You can buy ticktets for that show midi.is You will be able to buy T-shirts and CDs from us before, during and after the show so bring alot of money. There will be a special price on Kaldi (bruggsmidjan.is) before, during and after the show so bring more money. The schedule is here and on the right. Info about the bands are here and on their myspaces. If you have any questions just send us some emailsor just ask somebody sitting close to you.
New shinny website and the ProtestCamp is near Reykjavik. Directions to the Camp are here
„The 4th Saving Iceland action camp has now begun in a beautiful threatened geothermal valley beside Hellisheiðisvirkjun in the Hengill area, where it will target the expansion of the geothermal power station for the Grundartangi plant and other Southwestern heavy industry projects. (1) Tis year activists from Iceland, Australia, America, Denmark, Germany, Britain, Holland, France, Belgium and Italy amongst others have joined the campaign as information about the destruction of Iceland’s wilderness has spread. This year the campaign will focus specifically on the humanitarian effects of Aluminium production, from the genocides associated with mining in India, South America, Jamaica and more, to the use of Aluminium for arms manufacture and the defence industry (2).
A week of international Saving Iceland solidarity actions will take place from July 21st to 27th in different European countries. Moreover a specialised conference with respected Indian writer and Aluminium expert Samarendra Das and Andri Snær will examine the idea of “green Aluminium” and the effects of the Aluminium industry in the Third World, (July 23 at Reykjavikur Akademia).