„Hello“ from my iPhone

Just got the iphone.

Awesome device. just brilliant. a milestone. a geek-heaven. nerd-crownjewels. not talking about the whole fuckin fashion-aspect. THIS is the „internet in your pocket“. and with tools like „ssh“ u can play a lot while on the road.

UPDATE: could it be that there is NO system-wide „copy & paste“ – cant be, or? how to copy content from email to, for example adressebook or twitter? strange!

songs, which made my laugh & cry in 2008 (aka best of 2008)

song of the year: this is my life! – euroband  – this bloody song will forever be bound to my summer in iceland 2008.

all other songs in no special order:

  1. mykonos – fleet foxes – sun ep
  2. áfram island – mordingjanir – afram island!
  3. arms – seabear – the ghost that carried u away
  4. vid spilum endalaust – sigur ros –  vid spilum endalaust
  5. hoppipolla – sigur ros – takk
  6. Der typ, der niemal übt – niels frevert –
  7. „Neues Jahr“ – Gisbert zu Knyphausen
  8. everything is borrowed – the streets
  9. the escapist – the streets
  10. das zelt – Jeans Team
  11. the ride – joan as policewoman
  12. you will find a way – santogold
  13. am tisch – kettcar
  14. the kids dont stand a chance – vampire weekend
  15. der letzte große wal – tomte
  16. my year in lists – los campesinos
  17. blind – hercules and love affair
  18. ballons – foals
  19. i am not teach your boyfriend how to dance with you – black kids
  20. divine – sebastian tellier
  21. Lied vom Ende des Kapitalismus – PeterLicht
  22. heart of spades – sometime
  23. murr murl – mugison
  24. electric feeling – MGMT
  25. haus am see – Peter Fox

ps: most embarrissing song of the year (i secretly dig): „mausen“ -mia

nix neues im westen

keine ahnung ob es eine art rekonvalenz-zeit vor dem nächsten grossen aufbruch ist, oder nur verpeiltheit, gemischt mit unsicherheit und planlosigkeit. selten, solch eine starre verspürt. seltsam.

Bless Bless and Goodbye!

this is the last time, … so final post here. 
I am back in Germany. Anyway this adventure is over, no resume about things, but thanks to all the great people, who joined me here, comment on postings and pics, send me postcards and other nice things, in general accompanied me over the summer.
what´s left? probably my „lifefeed„, „twitter“ and facebook-profile.  so join me over there. 
All the best, take care! Bless bless! 
zum letzten mal … also das letzte posting hier in diesem blog.
ich bin zurueck in deutschland und das abenteuer ist vorbei. Ich mag keine resumes ziehen, doch allen danken die mich den sommer über (virtuell) begleitet haben, mir postkarten oder andere schöne dinge geschickt haben und somit viel freude bereitet haben.
wie und wo gehts weiter? keine ahnung, aber eine guter anhaltspunkt, dürfte mein „lifefeed“ via „friendfeed“, „twitter“ oder mein direkt mein „facebook-profile“ sein.
…  oder einfach SO vorbei kommen (ohne anzurufen) auf kaff oder bier!

Goodbye Húsavik!

Thats it, i am going down to Reykjavik in a few minutes, hope the flight from Akureyri is not delayed or worse, canceled. As i said unfortunatly need to fly home, cause my grandma is not getting well and is still in coma. so i am rushing out to Berlin tomorrow, that’s life.

Goodbye Húsavík! great time, great summer, great people, lot of whales, lot of beers … !

Old stuff: Cultural night via Mobile

While i was getting more drunken i took a picture everytime i changed the location. but i couldnt keep up, so i forgot after 3 o clock to make photos, anyway just for the record …

in the morning, waking up … one strange german guy in the dorm, smoker i guess

Q-bar, the gaybar in town, as usual, great people and of course the prettiest girls, after that no idea what happend (i guess a few more beers? cafe cultura, irish pub, kaffibarin …?)

Kaffibarinn Outside the door RAVE, crazy, trendy, arty, crowd

strange installation in on of the fashion bouthiques in twon on laugavegur, dunno, some wiered tekkno music running

another arty exibithion, strange, cant remmber …

GREAT GREAT Backyard party! Amazing band called „sometime“ (indipop/electro with a beautiful voice“) played live. really good start into culture night …

UPDATE: found a video of „sometime“ on youtube from the party!