Day 2 – 22.8.2009

aaah, woke up at 6 in the morning, bunks very noisy like hell and i couldnt sleep anymore. up and downstairs, got some good english breakky and meet fellow travellers.

i started to exploring Vancouver! down to the seashore. it is really beautiful, mountains, the sea, ceder woods, i made my way to stanley park, and surrounded it. beaches, waterplanes, the pacific, totem poles and a lot of vancouvians just being sporty. in general, it fells like being in the us, but there are so many asians around it feels more like tokyo. and everybody seems to be active: running, cycling, walking.

after surrounding stanley park, i when up to the „west end“, the gay-suburb, quite nice and open, lot of small buildings, bars, nightclub and specific shops. just think san francisco. arriving back at the hostel, i tried to relax an plan a little bit, but i was again very tired and even that it was saturday night, i went to bed at 23. before i had a few beers with some Aussies. the put a Aussie girl in our room, which didn’t show up until the next morning. i discovered that the „long-term“ Aussies, where partying hard in a kind of „back-room“. i got in some arguments with this German guy when he starts again complaining. i said, when everything is so shity, why he is stil here? that it is his choice to be on the road. if he don’t likes it, just fuck off … stupid assholes, of course it was is plan b, cause his apprenticeship didnt work out and today everybody just need to pimp his CV. blabhabh.

tell u what, i had those people so much. traveling is far more then just „having a sabbatical“ or shit like that. how should i respect people, who just be around cause the boss or the parents say its good for you? bloody hell.

Day 1 – 21.8.2009

Everything went well, flight was good, but boring (no movies, i means just crap) and the xxl-super-seat, was a joke. no big advantages, anyway its quite a distance from germany.
i saw my beloved icy island down there, and tought, how strange to fligh over RYK now – yeah is miss iceland.
lucky mushroom i am i saw quite a lot of snowy greenland, awesome how the glaciers made their way down into the water. iceblocks everywhere. its cool to fligh at daytime. and then canda, so vast, so big , so many lakes and it seems it never ends …
the 16-year-old right next to me, was quite strange. i just read one „sportbild“ magazin in 9 hours and even resist to smalltalk with me. the youth of today, without internet they are nothing. menawhile i finished SPEX, NEON and MONOCLE , starting again VINELAND and was quite happy at all. some chitchat with the the stewardess (yes, finally afters years no guys in my row) and we talk about airberlin, ltu and so on.

me arriving in vancouver, b.c., canada at 14:00 local time, means 22:30 back home, i made it through customs with a smile and heading into down with the skytrain – easy as hell and so „natural“ being in an different environment, getting all things together. i wonder, why so many people struggle ..

made it to the „samesun“ backpackers. just packed with aussis. cool, no worries and even „aussie rules football“ at the „beaver“ – the pub. good signs.

meeting my roomates, bad signs. 2 germans. no problem at all, but those kind of germans, who just complain about the country, they travel. horrible, just horrible. its not cheaper, then home, there is no this and that, blabhabha.

to make it short, i asked the reception, if it was a joke to put me to the grumpy germans, they laught any said, the next perdson in the room, will be not german.

anyway, it had a walk around downtown and of course, its same like everywhere in the new world, skycrappers, all the chains, blocks and squares and … boring.

somehow i made it till 22 localtime, which is 5 in the morning – german time …

test after months of twitterism / facebookish approaches to the net

its seems that not only me, but big parts of the interweb, nowadays just use twitter and the „classic blog“ is kind of „findelkind“ (orphan) now. As i will start travelling, there should be more content again inside here. Otherwise there is still my friendfeeds-account, where i aggregate all my online activities.

anyway. i will redirected (again) at least twitter and flickr to this place here, to summarize stuff for easy access and to let people comment stuff, who don’t wanna use FB® (good on you!) and who are still not used to reading daily rss-feeds and microblogs.

till later, daniel



das_ kleingedruckte: ich, daniel, männlich, 33, grafiker, wg-erfahren (7-10er wg in d,dorf seit ein paar jahren), mittlerweile nichtraucher, harmloser vegetarier, suche große entspannt, gemischte nicht-zweck wg, zwischen 25 – 65 jahren, gerne auch politischen anspruch und soziale haltung, freue mich über unterschiedliche menschen, die spaß am zusammenleben haben. generell für alles offen, außer nazis und scientologen – maximal um die 350 eusen warm.

was gibt‘s noch? fragen? dann meld dich doch bei mir:


Qype: Menta in Düsseldorf

DuesseldorfRestaurantsItalienisch & Pizza

Sehr enttäuschend. Leider. Und ich wollte das Restaurant so sehr lieben …

Wir, 6 Personen, entspannt und freundlich, Freitagabend. warten über eine Stunde auf das Essen (!). Der Raum ist „ausverkauft“, das Pils schlecht gezapft (schmeckte sehr abgestanden und fade), daher schneller Wechsel auf Weizen und ich musste mit Entsetzen mit ansehen, wie die „Schaumkrone“ mit dem Messer aufgerührt wird. Laut Freund in der Gastro normal, allerdings unter dem Tisch und nicht mitten im Laden auf der Theke. Und wieder: Hallo, danke ja wir´ sind hier zum Esssen, wir haben HUNGER, keine Langweile!

Essen kommt. Die Anwesenden sind bis auf mich zufrieden, ich bin auch zufrieden, aber doch ein wenig enttäuscht:
die hochgelobte „Kartoffelpizza“ ist eine wirklich perfekte Magerita mit … 8 Kartoffelscheiben drauf und ein bisschen Käse … sic. Ziemlich langweilig und trocken.

Auf meine Nachfrage nach Olivenöl musst die Pizza zurück in die Küche, weil an der Theke/Tischen etc nirgendwo welches aufzutreiben war (beim ITALIENER!!!)

Nach dem Essen verließen wir schnell den brüllenlauten Landen (müde lärmende Kleinkinder, die von ihren Eltern nicht ins Bett gebracht worden …) und fragten uns, warum wir nicht einfach beim freundlichen „Pommesbuden-Griechen“ zwei Häuser vorher eingekehrt sind … da hätte man gerne noch schön in Ruhe Schnapps und Kaffee gemeinsam geniessen können nach dem Essen, also gen „Seifenhorst“

Fazit: danke nicht nochmal. Alles nur Hype.

ps: auch dort gesehen. Rubrik: unglaublich, aber war. Düsseldorfer Yuppie, der seine Bionade mit Wasser mischt! WTF!
Mein Beitrag zu Menta – Ich bin silentdan – auf Qype