BarCamp Cologne
links for 2006-11-19
a HC romance: http://www.oeknigk.org/download/Film_gross.wmv
die düsseldorfer HC-community findet ihr hier
links for 2006-11-18
andreas, simone + katha
any QYPE-mash-ups out there? seltsam!
würde sich odhc anbieten? plazes.com meets flickr.com meets google.earth meets qype.com?
mydarling: joanna newsom
wunderschönes smith-cover auf der ukulele
danke spreeblick!
„Zoe Woodbury-High plays a ukulele rendition of „There Is A Light That Never Goes Out“ by The Smiths. Cinematography by Rachel Dengiz. Directed by David Meiklejohn.“