Commonwealth Games 2006 in Melbourne

I know, nobody really cares besides the former commonwealth-of-nation-„staates“ about, but anyway, think some kind of „small olympics“, now held in Melbourne at the moment. To get a glue. what i am talking about, just visted the official site, try or see the site at wikipedia. seems the aussies rule ones more … sorry …

danke, anke

Morrissey fan and celebrated author Douglas Coupland flies halfway around the world to meet the singer in Rome. –– Papal attraction

some beautiful books

i read in the last couple of weeks. + fight club, chuck palahniuk + the curiuos incident of the dog in the night-time, mark haddon + twelve, nick mcdonell + the beach, alex garland + eleven minutes, coelho + the baroque cycle, neal stephenson + kafka on the shore, h. murakami + the wind-up-bird-chronicle, h. …

Linotype FontExplorer X

Linotype FontExplorer X  Version 1.0 (build 1A025) Release date: March 14, 2006 sehr zuempfehlen im gegensatz zum suitcase mist, der auch noch etwas kostet. vorallem jetzt in der finalen version als universal binary.