in duesseldorf: ladyfest

geht dahin, find ich gut! im linken zentrum, genaueres auf deren website: ua:13h: Netporn Identities Marije Janssen 14h: Radical Handcrafting Workshop wo gefunden? im sehr empfehlenswerten Maedchenblog wo wir gerade bei genderfragen sind, was ist eigentlich aus dem missy-magazin geworden?

icelandic not for beginners

longest icelandic words: Vadlaheidavegavinnuverkfaerageymsluskúr = “a tool shed for workers manning the road over Vadlaheidi pass” aestaréttarlögmadur = “Advocate to the Supreme Court” hæstaréttardómaravinnukonuútidyralyklakippuringur = „Supreme Court Judge’s housemaid’s outdoor keychain ring“ skammdegisthunglyndislampi = seasonal affective disorder lamp.“ found at icelandreview

i need to go there: somehow!

one of the many reasons i am here, is hiking. in the last weeks there was so much going on, that i couldn’t find time and effort to go into the wild 8besides small staff and ásbergi/dettifoss-walk). a shame! another problem is, that a lot of the well-marked, well-know tracks are in the south, skaftafell, […]

how to find those nice geo-thermal bathing pools?

ask the locals look at: one of the delights of hanging around in iceland. nice free geo-thermal heated bathing pools! everywhere! but there is one important role, esp. for visitors. you must wash yourself before NAKED (if possible) before entering the pools, cause there is no chlorides eg inside. must be even gorgeous in […]