thats why i am not putting stuff up … to be uptodate, pls. see my facebook account and/or twitter. the week in Whistler was brilliant, thanks so much eric, tracy and morgan, so much fun, so happy to met eric again, so proud to be part of the worca -party. oh gosh, i would have …
Kategorie-Archive: Vancouver 2009
Day 5 – 25.8.2009
have breakfast together Jacob and i said goodbye, hope to see him in the Netherlands some day (he going ton study further on there) and i made my way to the Cambie, getting my backpack off. i was enjoying myself more and more getting in this travel mood, no real planes, no to-do-list, meeting Jacob, …
Day 4 – 24.8.09
alright, getting things written down, otherwise i will forget the whole stuff. things are starting to work out in the next days, back to the old travelers flow. i went up early to the Vancouver aquarium in Stanley park, wishing to see their famous beluga family etc. i made it till 11, while strolling trough …
100 things to do in Vancouver
#1 Go kayaking at Deep Cove and enjoy the scenery along Indian Arm #2 Go on a boat ride from Granville Island weather it is a speed boat, a Aquabus or a False Creek Ferry #3 Enjoy Jazz and Cheesecake at Cheesecake etc.,_Etc./Our_Story.html (They are open from 7pm to 1am) #4 Vancouver has …
day 4 – 24.8.09
today was a good day. i sleeped well, i had a good hearty breakfeast in the morning sun, i went down to stanley park again with fresh coffee and wet feets, standing in the pacific again, after such a long time, 4 years since i left Sydney. First time i realized, that i am finally …
no pictures? no links?
i feel that i am not in the mood to make a lot of pictures? why? it looks all thze same, and i am kind of tired when it comes to the usual tourist-pics. , i wont link things at the moment, maybe later. just wanna get stuff write down
Day 3 – 23.8.09
ok i checked out of the „samesun“ hostel, to loud and made a stroll on a shiny sunday morning, couldnt sleep in again, to the next HI youth hostel – lets give this on a try. my cs place dint work out, dosent matter, but from monday to tuesday. this sunday i made it over …
Day 2 – 22.8.2009
aaah, woke up at 6 in the morning, bunks very noisy like hell and i couldnt sleep anymore. up and downstairs, got some good english breakky and meet fellow travellers. i started to exploring Vancouver! down to the seashore. it is really beautiful, mountains, the sea, ceder woods, i made my way to stanley park, …
Day 1 – 21.8.2009
Everything went well, flight was good, but boring (no movies, i means just crap) and the xxl-super-seat, was a joke. no big advantages, anyway its quite a distance from germany. i saw my beloved icy island down there, and tought, how strange to fligh over RYK now – yeah is miss iceland. lucky mushroom i …
test 1 2 3 here comes the anteater
so cuuuuuttttte !