IT SEEMS RONINARTS.DE IS DOWN, PLS SEND MAIL TO MY GMAIL ACCOUNTS :::..Es scheint das meine domain „roninarts“ gerade vom server geschoben wurde, daher bitte Mail an meinen Gmail Account … danke .. .oO (hope, xpatrick and thomas are working on the new server, somehow?!) Update: danke patrick! leider ist der server fratze und warscheinlich …
Kategorie-Archive: Travel
Kimi Records on Tour ! Juuuhhuuu!
Tommorrow at the „Gamli Baukur„: Kimi Records Tour! Plus Special Price on my favorite „Kaldi Beer!“ Seems perfect !! We are going on a Summerfun Tour!. We being Kimi Records and 4 bands signed with the label, Benni Hemm Hemm, Borko, Morðingjarnir and Reykjavík!. We will stop at Iceland’s hottest places around the countryside and …
New shinny website and the ProtestCamp is near Reykjavik. Directions to the Camp are here „The 4th Saving Iceland action camp has now begun in a beautiful threatened geothermal valley beside Hellisheiðisvirkjun in the Hengill area, where it will target the expansion of the geothermal power station for the Grundartangi plant and other Southwestern heavy …
Me and good old Stjaki; The Proof!
me, stjaki and the girls … damm, i am to fat and look like i am shitting my pants! next time more „clint-eastwood-no-country-for-old-men“-style. and „stjaki“ is just plain cool and probably bpretty bored. sorry, dude! tonight, their is a b*day-party at „saltvik“ … good to get used to those fellas
„Minke on the menu“ Australian TV Documentation about Whaling in Iceland
and the Whale Museum. Please watch the feature, cause it sums up the whole bizarre situation in Iceland quite well: see:
Full Featured Movie: „Daniel at the Penismuseum“
Finally, presenting a movie by Annika Krauthoff „Daniel at the penismuseum“, with me, the penismuseum deskhand, trying to give u an insight into this great museum. i am really sorry it sin german, maybe we will do some english subs, somehow
[Picture] Whalemeat sold at the groccerystore in Iceland
(this picture is copyrighted for ALL COMMERCIAL USE) thats how it is, in your favorite „wanna-be-suitable-and-ecofriendly-1-world-country“Iceland: Whalemeat (Minke Whale) sold in the groccery-store in Husavik, North Iceland. While on the other side of the street thousends of tourists go whale watching and the husavik whale museum tries to educate people on ocean mammals, esp. on …
„[Picture] Whalemeat sold at the groccerystore in Iceland“ weiterlesen
natuerlich gehts mir gut …
, aber vor lauter arbeit und „wochenende“ komme ich kaum zum schreiben. Am Donnerstagabend mit der ganze Truppe nach der Arbeit raus auf die Terasse des Pubs „Gamli Baukur“ (10 Schritte entfernt), den islaendischen Sommer geniessen, sprich Bier in der Hand und Sonne im Gesicht, am Freitag hatte unsere islaendische Koellegen ihren Geburtstag gefeiert, was …
Roadtrip around Iceland
1.450 km in 3 Tagen, Wetter war fuer islandische Verhaltnise gut,Toyota Yaris, „Press Clotch Pedalto Start“, Touristen, Wasserfaelle, Gletscher, Rentiere und Gravelroads, dazwischen nur Weite, Lavaebenen bis zum Horizont und endlose leere Fjorde. Viel gesehen, viel zu berichten …
Nattúra Concert
Das Konzert war grossartig!