this is the last time, … so final post here. I am back in Germany. Anyway this adventure is over, no resume about things, but thanks to all the great people, who joined me here, comment on postings and pics, send me postcards and other nice things, in general accompanied me over the summer. what´s left? …
Kategorie-Archive: Iceland 2008
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur – Official Video
Gobbledigook (Live With Bjork at Naturra)
… takk takk !
Goodbye Húsavik!
Thats it, i am going down to Reykjavik in a few minutes, hope the flight from Akureyri is not delayed or worse, canceled. As i said unfortunatly need to fly home, cause my grandma is not getting well and is still in coma. so i am rushing out to Berlin tomorrow, that’s life. Goodbye Húsavík! …
Old stuff: Cultural night via Mobile
While i was getting more drunken i took a picture everytime i changed the location. but i couldnt keep up, so i forgot after 3 o clock to make photos, anyway just for the record … in the morning, waking up … one strange german guy in the dorm, smoker i guess Q-bar, the gaybar …
Into the icelandic highlands down to Askja, in the middle of nowhere … and yeah, we swam in the COLD waters of „viti“, sandstorm included.
hoechst wahrscheinlich schon frueher raus …
grossmutter auf der intensivstation. koma. fuck.
„Here today, tommorrow, next week“
„Summer moved on / And the way it goes / You can’t tag along“ (a-ha) langsam glueht die sonne hier oben aus, man schmeckt den winter herbei kommen, morgens und abends bleibt es kalt und die nacht wird jeden tag 7 minuten dichter. Die Wale haben sich verabschiedet, selbst wenn immer wieder einer „vorbeischaut“, ob …
„1st icelandic haircut!“
the same shit like in germany, australia or anywhere else in the world. I hate nothing more then anything else, going to the hairdresser. anyone said dentist? fuck that!
„please yoursELF“
there is this pretty nice arty book called „Please yoursELF-Sex with the Icelandic Invisibles“ by Hallgerður Hallgrímsdóttir about having sex with „huldufólk” aka elves. the book is hard to find though … “ Surveys have shown that ten percent of Icelanders believe in the existence of “huldufólk” (the hidden people), dwarfs, spirits and other supernatural …