links for 2006-11-21

Blindtext | Blindtexte – Archiv | Blindtext – Generator (tags: typographic design) Threadless T-Shirts – Designer Clothing Submissions (tags: web2.0 community creative culture design)

links for 2006-11-20

Web 2.0 logos and FONTS! (tags: typo web2.0 typography typographie design) Kinotechnik – Alles über Kinotechnik (tags: jobs cinema movie technology) Hauptseite – FilmvorfuehrerWiKi (tags: movie cinema) oliver dietze : text : filmvorfuehrer (tags: cinema movies technik) Filmvorführer Günter Timm (tags: cinema movie interview) taz 23.1.2003 Der fahrende Filmvorführer (tags: filmvorführer) „Der Bildwurfmeister“ (tags: filmvorführer …

links for 2006-11-19

Open Source Mac – Free, Open-Source software for OS X (tags: macosx macintosh mac geek opensource software tech web apple freeware free osx) Welcome to the Scene (tags: culture dvd geek media p2p scene software video web videos bittorrent movie movies tv) a hc romance. hospitalityclub duesseldorf@ wdr (tags: hc hospitalityclub duesseldorf wdr tv video …

links for 2006-11-18

YouTube – There Is A Light That Never Goes Out (tags: music hip) Kartoffelpuffer w/ DIY Apfelmus [Rezeptor] (tags: cooking reciepe) The color Pink _ Design Observer: writings about design & culture (tags: design) YouTube – Joanna Newsom (tags: music) Technology News: Personal Tech: Microsoft Says Zune Incompatible With Vista (tags: technology geek microsoft) Employment …