links for 2007-05-17

Flickr = Censorship on Flickr – Photo Sharing! So what’s got me pissed today? What’s got me pissed today is that according to Rebekka, Flickr has removed her image from their site. That’s right. Not only did they remove and kill her image and her *non-violent* words of protest, but they censored each (tags: censorship …

links for 2007-05-16

vegan guide korrektes webb two ooh ding! (tags: guide travel web2.0 vegan essen vegetarian) (Thai) Karottensuppe [Rezeptor] (tags: kitchen rezept reciep cooking) Flickr: Photos from gnychis nintendo house (tags: nintendo flickr cool sweet kwaii) O’Reilly Radar > Flickrvision — Twittervision’s new cousin Just released today, Flickrvision shows realtime, geolocated Flickr photos. Just like Twittervision, (tags: …