i feel that i am not in the mood to make a lot of pictures? why? it looks all thze same, and i am kind of tired when it comes to the usual tourist-pics. , i wont link things at the moment, maybe later. just wanna get stuff write down
Autor-Archive: dan
Day 3 – 23.8.09
ok i checked out of the „samesun“ hostel, to loud and made a stroll on a shiny sunday morning, couldnt sleep in again, to the next HI youth hostel – lets give this on a try. my cs place dint work out, dosent matter, but from monday to tuesday. this sunday i made it over …
Day 2 – 22.8.2009
aaah, woke up at 6 in the morning, bunks very noisy like hell and i couldnt sleep anymore. up and downstairs, got some good english breakky and meet fellow travellers. i started to exploring Vancouver! down to the seashore. it is really beautiful, mountains, the sea, ceder woods, i made my way to stanley park, …
Day 1 – 21.8.2009
Everything went well, flight was good, but boring (no movies, i means just crap) and the xxl-super-seat, was a joke. no big advantages, anyway its quite a distance from germany. i saw my beloved icy island down there, and tought, how strange to fligh over RYK now – yeah is miss iceland. lucky mushroom i …
test 1 2 3 here comes the anteater
so cuuuuuttttte !
Qype: Diele – Die Eismacher in Düsseldorf
Duesseldorf – Essen & Trinken – Cafes & Coffee Shops – Eisdielen & Eiscafes Grossartig. war heute endlich mal schnell da und bin sehr zufrieden, tolle eissorten, schöne aufmachung, rundum zufrieden – eis war sehr gut und lecker. Mein Beitrag zu Diele – Die Eismacher – Ich bin silentdan – auf Qype
test after months of twitterism / facebookish approaches to the net
its seems that not only me, but big parts of the interweb, nowadays just use twitter and the „classic blog“ is kind of „findelkind“ (orphan) now. As i will start travelling, there should be more content again inside here. Otherwise there is still my friendfeeds-account, where i aggregate all my online activities. anyway. i will …
„test after months of twitterism / facebookish approaches to the net“ weiterlesen
Qype: Kombüse in Hamburg
Hamburg – Essen & Trinken – Restaurants – Mexikanisch Sehr leckerer, günstiger mexianischer Slow-Food-Imbiss direkt an der Hafenstraße mitten in ST. Pauli. Das vegetarische Buritto und das Chilli SIN carne ist grossartig! Mein Beitrag zu Kombüse – Ich bin silentdan – auf Qype
Qype: culux – curry deluxe in Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurt am Main – Essen & Trinken – Fast Food & Imbiss sehr gut die veggie-tofu wurst, plus lecker pommes und kühles tannenzäpfle. nix zu beanstanden. top! ps: hallo „curry“ in ddorf, vielleicht mal nen beispiel nehmen an der „tofu“-wurst? Mein Beitrag zu culux – curry deluxe – Ich bin silentdan – auf Qype
ZIMMER GESUCHT, FÜR DEN 01.04.2009 IN HAMBURG, ST.PAULI, SCHANZE, ALTONA, OTTENSEN ODE— MAX. 300 EUSEN, WARM. SEHR GERNE GROSSE GEMISCHTE NICH-ZWECK WG* das_ kleingedruckte: ich, daniel, männlich, 33, grafiker, wg-erfahren (7-10er wg in d,dorf seit ein paar jahren), mittlerweile nichtraucher, harmloser vegetarier, suche große entspannt, gemischte nicht-zweck wg, zwischen 25 – 65 jahren, gerne auch …