Qype: Restaurant Takumi in Düsseldorf

Duesseldorf – Essen & Trinken – Restaurants – Japanisch & Sushi – Essen & Trinken – Restaurants Weil letztens erst wieder passiert: Auf die Frage nach „diesem tollen japanischen Nudel-Laden in D,dorf, wo da alle immer voerstehen?“, habe ich wohl wissend, nur mit „Takumi“ geantwortet. Natürlich ist das nicht die richtige Antwort, allerdings im kulinarischen …

at the moment, reading „the walking dead“

the walking dead is a brilliant b/w comic-series (by Image Comics) created in 2003. The comic was created by writer Robert Kirkman and artist Tony Moore /Charlie Adlard. It’s about the usual end of civilisation through some zombicalypse, told and drawn in a beautiful way. its not so much about the splatter, its about the …

100 things to do in Vancouver

#1 Go kayaking at Deep Cove and enjoy the scenery along Indian Arm http://www.deepcovekayak.com/map/ #2 Go on a boat ride from Granville Island weather it is a speed boat, a Aquabus or a False Creek Ferry #3 Enjoy Jazz and Cheesecake at Cheesecake etc. http://www.cheesecakeetc.com/Cheesecake,_Etc./Our_Story.html (They are open from 7pm to 1am) #4 Vancouver has …