I think i’s not only me

What we used to call „blogosphere“  changed a lot in the last years, at least in Germany. that’s ok. that’s the nature of the interweb. continuously changing and moving on. but when i talk about change i talk about the big shift happing all over the world, we all felt.  from blogs to updates. from macro to micro.

but their is still desire left, to tell long stories, to put up words longer then 140 letters. to continue my personal archive of comments, stories, words, which will be here longer, compared to the timelines and life-streams, we all fill up everyday with tweets and likes.they feel like waterfalls. without pools to catch the water. no conservation of letters, words, content.

don’t get my wrong i love the web and i love microbloging. but we are talking about „gated cities“ called twitter, facebook et all. its all private land, the whole web seems nowadays like private land: behave or i will kick you out!!.

that’s why i wanna find own words again, on my own server, my own platform, a platform i control. to restart the good things, i enjoyed so much in the last decade and helped me to remember thoughts on life, which i had years ago. to rethink things.

some black letters. to combine macro and micro. to fill up an own personal blog again!