of course, i am busy !!!!

thats why i am not putting stuff up … to be uptodate, pls. see my facebook account and/or twitter.

the week in Whistler was brilliant, thanks so much eric, tracy and morgan, so much fun, so happy to met eric again, so proud to be part of the worca -party. oh gosh, i would have loved to stay longer, but … need working visa 🙁

thanks carrie for the great ride back to the city, went over to Nanaimo, Vnacouver Island and meet Sandy and Al, thanks guys, while going down to Torfino and Uculcet, hard times pitching my tent, then back up to Port Alberni (awesome hostel, the „fat salomon“) and then going down to Bamfield, on board the beautiful ship „Lady Rose“ ( but no luck with marine mammals, nothing damm it!)

Starting my hike on the West Coast Trail, ran into Michelle and Jason, who adopted me somehow. We startet in rain and finished with sunshine. very tough trail, slippy as hell all those logs and bogs and mudholes! i spend a whole day in my sleepingbag/tent, cause it rained the whole night, day, night – do it like the animals, so we hiked 10k on the next day – dont get my wrong. not big distances at all, but very hard walking, without poles and gaiters and raingear – your are lost .. of course if the weather is nice, u do the trail in 4 days … unbelievable scenic coastline, saw my first bear in the wild, fortunately no cougars, but mice 🙂 and yeah its time for some pro gear – need a 3lyer raincoat, cuase was just on the trail in a wet softshell, thanks James for giving me Raincoat and thanks to Bari for the free busride ( i made it!) – thanks to peter and the lighthouse keepers for nice talks and if anyone wants to do some wwwoofing in fuckin middle of nowhere u can do it at „chez monique“s right on trail.
besides that, had my first big „dungeness crab“ fresh as hell and a sealion keeped us busy the whole night at the crabshack. again thanks to jason and michelle for the great company on the trail and saving my thirst with your „waterpurificator“, btw bought myself one!
thanks to the pissed fishermen in port renfrew who gave my a ride and told me „u have fish, u have crabs and u have booze here! everything a man needs! daniel, get your dumb ass out of boring germany!“ so we had some beers and crabs again at „butchs place“ – got stinged by a hornet in my right calv, but

had my first cigarette after over a year and no, i am not addicted again, it was nice and joyful, but thats it. nothing i carve for. still strange.

i jumped on the bus to victoria, where i meet the 2 nice gentleman from oregon, portland again! and back to civilization, i booked a real hotelroom, soaked in the bath for 2 hours, just watched tv for hours, out of a queensize bed .. so nice after 7 days in a tent. went for a stroll in the morning, grsabed the NEW DOUGLAS COUPLAND BOOK and went over to the City again, to the airport, to pick up Leo, who just arrived.

had some day in vancouver, ri9ding the bike around stanley and later meet up with jesicca and friends, who is an ex-student co-worker of mine, now living in van for a couple of month. a night out to the roxy and today going over to the island again withg leo in a floatplane! awesome! super-cool! 2morrow heading up the eastcoast to telegraph cove to explore the east coast and then back to victoria and leaving canada with the ferry to Seattle 🙂

cheers and goodnight!

2 Antworten auf „of course, i am busy !!!!“

  1. sounds cool like real traveling now 🙂 but i miss king-size-pics of awsome nature spots on vanc island! dot let us blind at home, thinking all you see is crappy junk foot and m$ paper cups … 🙂

  2. jaja ich weiss, aber das ist wieder so stressig mit der groessse und dann flickr etc … die photos sind da, aber …

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