confirmes concert on june 28th!

Ich sag nur Karma, Karma, Karma … (sorry, sorry natalie, schnell flug buchen !!!!)

We are pleased to announce an outdoor concert featuring Björk, Sigur Rós, Ólöf Arnalds and special foreign guests. The concert will take place in Reykjavík, Iceland, on the June 28th. The exact location will be disclosed later on.

The goal of the concert is to raise awareness on environmental issues in Iceland:

„Neither me or Sigur Rós look at ourselves as experts on nature, or as politicians, but we do travel a lot and we believe we know a lot about what image Iceland has abroad, and that we are far behind when it comes to being“ Says Björk when asked how the concert came to be. „I spent for example 2 months in South-America and there you saw the poor doing recycling. We can’t be 30 years behind, we need to work together on this and preferably we should be leading the way.“

„Too often battles being fought for nature turn into something negative and into mudslinging. We will not go that way, we are not saying that this and that is forbidden, we are rather asking „what about all these other possibilites?„. The 21st century is not going to be another oil century but rather a century where we need to recycle, think green and design both power plants and our surroundings in harmony with [source:]

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