on my way to berlin

again, berlin, but this time for probably 2 month, doing a trainee at the „berlin tagespiegel“, a big daily newspaper. hope, summer isn´t over and berlin dosen´t suck, if you stay longer than a few days (good to know that i must be back in ddorf, quite a lot of people get used to the berlin lifestyle 😉

strange, on the one hand very happy (working! travelling! new adventures! new quests! seeing friends! new people and new stories! nightlife! maybe the chance to catch up with people in leipzig, dresden and who ever comes around! nature!), on the other side a little bit strange, cause the last month in düsseldorf were quite good and not boring at all.

anyway, the future is beta and we will see whats happing! cool!

2 Antworten auf „on my way to berlin“

  1. Machet Daniel! Der Tagesspiegel issn jutet Blatt, wa. Viel Spass und Sonne. Check das neue Yaam am Ostbahnhof. Sehr geil zum Sommersonne abgammeln…

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