2 Antworten auf „flags“

  1. This reminds me of the Toastmaster’s meeting in which the German fraulein explained to us why she would never salute any flag. As our ignorant and corrupt Congress ‚debates‘ a flag-burning amendment, oblivious to the fact that being able to burn this piece of red,white and blue material represents our freedom, not the other way around…..I remember her. She told us that the swastika was used to unite her countrymen in a horrible slaughter, and she hated all flags as they encourage mindless sheeplike behavior in otherwise intelligent people.
    Just so, the many American flags flying all over, as we occupy a sovereign country and slaughter thousands for the will to power of the Big Business Americans who own my country. No longer a republic, we are now an oligarchy. Sie Heil, Fuerhrer Bush!! You Germans must be smiling, because now you know that WE know (anyone aware of History and the Constitution) what it’s like to be a Nazi………in a totalitarian government that pretends to be a republic. Nauseating.

  2. Please continue to speak out against the American government. These war criminals have stolen the last 2 presidential elections, which is well documented. Something must happen to awaken our sheeple to the danger to the species that Bush and his puppet masters present.

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