first, my favs the „stars“ are playing in germany/cologne/gebäude9 on the 12 of june, so that why i buy _today_ a ticket, if its possible. and you still find the music-video to „MY EX-LOVER IS DEAD“[MOV, ] on the web.
my grandma loves „killepitsch“, the famous herb-liqouer from my howmtown, so i wrote them a letter, cause i would love to check out their brewery with here. still looking forward to answer. anyway, i wish they would have the lovely pin-up-girl-poster on sell 🙁
at the moment i check out quite a lot of possible places to do my „trainee“ semster, of course not in europe 😉 that means looking forward to melbourne, sydney, perth, brisbane, darwin, hobart, auckland, christchurch, san fran, seattle, vancouver, buneos airs (why not? frank, problem is spanisch!), toronto, hawaii, rekjavick, seattle … you see, its not about the „trainee“ is about places, people and a high life-style.
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