
Menschliches PEACE Zeichen am Rhen in Düsseldorf


Leider konnte ich bei der Aktion nicht mitmachen, aber das ganze hat schön geklappt. Die elende RP (CDU/CSU Hauspostille!) hat auch ein Bericht online.
Die Initatoren der Aktion "friedenstag.de eben dort.

Posted by dan at 23.03.03 23:41 | TrackBack

yeah! beautiful.
it's wonderful to know that those of us working, fighting for a sensible US foreign policy within the US can show our leaders that we should be listening to what the rest of the world thinks.

Posted by: marcie at 27.03.03 21:08

marcie. thanks for posting! hanging around in spain with somebody ;-) we, do what we can i think, in germany and in the whole wide world.But it is really frustrating that 10000 of people go on the street, protesting and the goverments say nothing (more or less) or try to act directly (with the UN) against the us/britsh/spain-politics.

Posted by: dan at 28.03.03 11:14
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