this is my little place on the server. what you will find here
daniel "dan" koening is my name. i am (and another picture one of those guys and girls, which slacking around here, in my hometown, düsseldorf, joining forces with the chaos computer club düsseldorf - we are a local part of the ccc e.v. u can reach me via dan at chaosdorf dot de
hanging around in cyberspace, studying boring, sometimes very exciting things like graphic-design, communication-bloat and media-survivalism, net(h)activist, toying around with gadgets and computers, drinking too much coffee (sugar+milk, please! or as cooper says "damm fine coffee!"), watching anime-stuff and other j-k-c-pop-splatter-prOn-trash-shit, still and again searching for the perfect soulmate and reading tons of books (mostly 5to10 in a row) and comics, the usual otaku-like things, somebody would expect from a twentysomething.
if you want more information, whats going on in my life, especially here in Australia, please visit my daily and fresh output called rtng , my 2nd blog (2003 till now). It is mostly written in german, but i really wanna write more in english, so give it a chance
if you want to send my encrypted mail
(i really prefer it), please use my public keys.
if you dont know, how to do it, please look it up on the net, like or/and or ask me! thanks for using crypto!
in april 2k2 we organized the easter -h -egg here in ddorf, and i made some visual sketches for the event.
wearing "dreadlocks" a long time ago, most people think i am lying about that. so i made i little "shrine" for my dreads to show off :)
a dog is a dog is a dog - my whole short life, she was there for me and will be. a little shrine for my little sister.
trying to organize the chaos is hard, but a made a first approach to it - this is a beta-site regarding the ccc-knowledge-web.
i made some bumpers,i stickers, flyer and banner for "CCBit 2003" and Against-TCPA Stuff in general, which you can find here
i made a new site i called "feldforschung" (means: field experiment ), where i will collect my experiences, with alternative unix-based operating systems on ppc, which means openbsd, debian, gentoo etc on a"pismo" aka apple g3 powerbook. when i have the time i will change the static site to a wiki, so everybody can participate on the subject. shamefully i didn't updated this site...
for an event at the openchaos in cologne, regarding "netzzensur" ("internet censorship") i made a "flyer" (pdf, ca. 1 MB, version 0.6) - text by desiatox and pylon. thanks to pablo for the help. print it out! show it to your friends and tribes!
my first blog (2001-2003, sounds like my first sony[tm]) was made up with MT and fucked up from one day to the next. you can find the ruins here. Its written in German and the database doesnt exist anymore, but maybe your are bored, so have fun
i made a huge roadtrip with friends through the usa in 2002. we drove from the east to the westcoast, Including one week at the famous the burningman festival and it was an unbelievable experience. we made a collective weblog based on greymatter to show off. nuff' said
i visited hongkong for a week in 2002 for the chinese new years eve and what happend is written here
we organized the first zope sprint in 2003 at my university in düsseldorf. besides organization i made some designs
a co-student made a funny flyer about me for a project: the "daredevil(teufelskerl)"
a chaosdorf flyer i made to gather more people
more stuff: posters[pdf], i made for events at my university for the chaosdorf – the final poster
eine noch ältere fassung der webseite
here are some lectures and prosa (BETA), i wrote.
updating this part right now. sorry, check back later.copyleft now! all rights reversed! take, for non-commercial use, whatever you want.