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08/22/2002: "Cowgirl Perspective"
Howdy & Wahooooooo!
I've been given much "scheisse" for not having posted something to this site. 'Lemme splain...no, no time, lemme sum up.'
Cowgirls were meant to be out and about enjoying moments, not sitting in front of a computer while a National Park sits nearby. So while the techi Germans have been busily typing away, I was out exploring and playing! Yeeehaw!
Highlights of the trip thus far (it ain't over until the man burns and even then it aint over!):
* Dancing naked on top of one of those crazy mushroom rock formations in Canyonlands National Park at Sunrise!
* My three hour hike covering 1.5 miles through the Bryce Canyon "hoodoos" (Gaudi like rock formations) in a beautiful canyon. Brought my walkman and danced the entire time!
* It was drunk out in Vegas!! I won $38 in nickles with a royal flush! Pink Taco!!
* Seeing Zabrieskie Point in Death Valley and knowing I'll be there again with the friends and family I love in March!
* Being in Colorado or Wyoming, calling Cowgirl Jen from a rest stop and finding out she's pregnant!! I'm going to be Aunty Simona!!!!
*Watching dan freak out when he discovered "dynamite" under the driver seat and assumed one of his traveling partners had attempted to sneak it over the Canadian border. Ooops...not dynamite....safety flares!
* Finally hitting the West Coast! I saw those mountains & desert landscapes and I knew I was on my way home!
* Being HOME!!!!
Love & Hot Pink Taco Kisses!
Cowgirl Simona
:franks (alte)seite zur tour (ua.karte)
:statistik von henny
:official burningman-site
:space cowboys TV art project
:murray's superior hair dressing pomade
:famous Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR)
:chanticleer, ithaca